Wednesday 3 April 2013

STAR WARS:: Mauve Under The Bright Jewel. Pt. VI

In to darkness. He could see a hall. A wide and very empty great hall, almost cathedral like, big pillars of stone and metal lined the walls at his left and right and met in dramatic archways dozens of meters above his head. The  stone was polished black. The metal gleamed and threw back reflections of diffuse points of light. As he moved, the metal on the walls reflected the movement of the green bar of energy that hummed at the end of his arm. His light saber was ready. In his head, the girl’s screams had become soft sorrowful cries and sighs.

Oreth stepped further in to the darkness. Ahead, an enormous arched threshold revealed a landing platform under the city might sky. He started towards it fastening his pace. After a step or two, he could hear the familiar sound of twin ion engines revving up. Trough the force, he pierced the darkness and saw shadows within shadows: a flowing black robe that disappeared inside the dreaded shape of an almost mythical ship: A Sith infiltrator.
The greenish light of the twin ion engines flared as the ship gained altitude. Oreth reached the platform on the huge balcony of the building, just as the ship that was there moments  ago got lost among the stars, and had hardly the time to reflect on it when the attack came.

It was as sudden as it was brutal, the only warning the aggressive buzz and hum of a red light saber that illuminated the darkness behind him. The Jedi had barely the time to raise his weapon in defense to block the two handed strike that would have decapitated him. For a split second, the  afterglow of the sightseers collision blinded him. And then, little by little, a face took shape inches away from his own. A girl, olive skin, ivory black hair cascading in silky threads framing her features. Oreth sensed something very wrong with that face but could not put his finger on it until a heartbeat later. “The eyes, the blood, the streaks of blood, and.. The eyes”. The girl would have been quite lovely if there were eyes where they were supposed to be. Instead, only a pair of gaping, enormous black pits on eye sockets stood in their place. From each empty socket, three straight streaks of blood flowed endlessly. He could feel the heat of her raw power, her hatred.

The girl withdrew her blade and moved to strike again, this time in a series of fast jabs and cuts aimed all over his body. Oreth skillfully parried every single thrust and retaliated with a powerful one handed swing aimed at disarming her. With a quick wrist adjustment, the girl avoided his maneuver and danced back in a guarding stance. Her voice was echoing again trough his skull. “You took him and killed her… Jedi did. Corrupt, degenerate Jedi. He took him. He took him!” Her screams were maddening. He was beginning to struggle for every blow she punished him with, and she was only getting faster. Oreeth closed his eyes. He trusted the Force, and eyes could deceive him. Instead he channel trough the energy to let his body do the motions he knew so well, and focused on attacking her mind. With a sigh, he went inside her.

And he knows, instantly, he know. She is standing on a balcony looking down, it is dusk. Training has just finished. It was a good session. Her newly found acquaintance had fount that untapped potential in her. Her newly found guide, her newly found life and master. She assumed he was some sort of dark Jedi. And at first, the red markings and horns on his head had scared her and she had run. She had tried to run and hide. Bt he had been like a bloodhound, sniffing her out of whatever dump and hole whe crawled in to. He had found her, and she had taken her for himself, he had claimed her and she owed him much now. It had been painful, but it had been worthy at last, when he had spoken words that had been engraved in her mind: “At last you will reveal yourself to the Jedi, for he is coming, at last you will have revenge”.

That had been months before, and the Jedi had come. She had learned, she had followed while she was not training with her master. And now time to act is close. She stands on that balcony, waiting on her first move. Below her, among the street urchins, the night strollers and the drunkards coming out of a nearby pub;  a very thin brown eyed boy is speaking to a beautiful creature, an older girl than her, blueish skin, violet eyes. She knows what is being said. He is supposed to put her on alert about a Jedi looking for her, and looking for a pilot to get him to Tansarii point. From her balcony, she could see that the words of the skinny boy cause an impact on the blue skinned hag. Tansarii point must not be reached, or at the least, Black Sun must not get in contact with this Jedi, she is to kill him first. Or else her life is forfeited. Moving away from the balcony, she uncovers her face by pulling back the dark hood she is wearing. Her  very bright blue eyes  smile as she makes her plans. Her eyes, her ice colored eyes, almost like the color of mint liquor…

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