Tuesday 13 December 2011

Nadie nos llevará a el país de las maravillas. / No one will take us to wonderland.

Comenzando tiempos electorales, creí oportuno traer esto acá:

Nuestro vaso está plenamente desbordado, al igual que el Estado Mexicano. A estas alturas es torpe, ocioso y estúpido señalar a un único culpable. Pero en México señalar a otros y lavarse las manos es el pasatiempo nacional. “Calderón, asesino”. “Muera el espurio”. “Gobierno represor, cobarde, inútil”. “Tenemos un borracho en Los Pinos”. “Que el presidente legítimo asuma el control ya”.

Todas estas frases, vacías por naturaleza, poseen cierta lógica: muestran el miedo, la impotencia, la ignorancia, el asumirse inocentes y culpar a otro, quien sea, de nuestros males. Como si decapitando al presidente Calderón nuestro país se llenara de colores. Como si él fuera la gran bruja que mantiene un perverso hechizo sobre todos los pobladores, o como si fuera él, personalmente él, quien dispara, secuestra, viola, asesina, decapita, incendia, envenena.

Yo no culpo a Calderón. Es el presidente, y siempre tendrá responsabilidad. Tal vez la mayor responsabilidad en todo esto. Pero yo no lo culpo a él. Él tiene cinco años en la Presidencia, pero los mexicanos tenemos más de 200 años de ser como somos: de estar empeñados en destruirnos mutuamente.

La independencia fue una guerra entre iguales: criollos y peninsulares. ¿Cuál era la diferencia sustancial entre ellos? Ninguna en realidad. Uno nacidos en España, otros, españoles nacidos en estas tierras. La revolución es un ejemplo más: mexicanos contra mexicanos, títeres todos de algunos caciques que tanto anhelaban el poder que se lo arrebataban a balazos. Lo mismo sucedió en la guerra de Reforma, y con el movimiento cristero, y con la guerra sucia, y con tantos y lamentables pasajes de nuestra historia... hasta hoy, cuando, de nueva cuenta, los mexicanos, de la manera más estúpida y sin sentido, nos asesinamos los unos a los otros sin otro motivo más que por nuestra estupidez genética.

Calderón tiene responsabilidad, y su guerra carece de resultados y de estrategias. Pero no podía quedarse con los brazos cruzados viendo cómo los cárteles despedazaban el país para repartirse o arrebatarse los pedazos. Yo no culpo a Calderón. Nos culpo a nosotros, a los mexicanos, que durante toda nuestra historia, y ahora en especial, hemos hecho de los ilícitos la manera normal de vivir y relacionarnos.

La mordida, la tranza, la piratería, el alcohol adulterado, conducir un auto como verdaderos estúpidos, estacionarnos en lugares prohibidos, festejar cuando alguien más burla las leyes (ahí está el reciente caso de las “ladies de Polanco”), sobornar al maestro, al dependiente de alguna tienda para que nos venda alcohol cuando no está permitido o cigarros si somos menores de edad, el graffiti que tapiza las ciudades, robarnos lo que podemos (si no, nuestras casas no estarían absolutamente enrejadas), entrar al juego perverso y corrupto de los verificentros, presumir de que somos intocables, influyentes, de que conocemos a un amigo que conoce a otro amigo, tirar basura en las calles, y no sólo me refiero a una colilla de cigarro o un papel: sillones en la vía pública, bolsas enormes de basura podrida; acaparar la calle porque creemos que es nuestra propiedad particular…

Decenas de nuestras conductas diarias, que nos parecen normales, son ilícitas. Simple y llanamente, delitos. Estamos demasiado acostumbrados a vivir de esta manera, a destruir la belleza, a escupir a quien demuestra educación, a insultar al que consideramos inferior, a humillar para no ser humillados, a ser prepotentes y necios, incultos y dañinos con quienes son o piensan diferente. Festejamos cuando un niño comienza a decir sus primeras malas palabras y lo animamos a que las diga en público como si fuera una gracia. Preferimos ver un partido de fútbol que leer el periódico; una telenovela que adentrarnos en un libro. Es más sencillo ser imbécil que ser recto. Por eso los primeros abundan y los segundos son pisoteados.

Yo no culpo a Calderón. Tiene responsabilidad, y mucha, pero durante toda nuestra historia nosotros mismos hemos cavado nuestra tumba. Y en todo caso, ¿por qué Calderón y no el PRI, que por 72 años fue simplemente “EL PRI” intocable, corrupto y todopoderoso? Si nuestras generaciones actuales se educaron bajo su sombra.

No. No se trata de señalar ni buscar culpables. Se trata de darnos cuenta qué tan hondo hemos escarbado para darnos cuenta qué tan bajo hemos caído.

Los que venden drogas son los responsables. Pero también quienes las consumen. Quienes saben que sus amigos o familiares las consumen. Quienes saben que un conocido suyo es adicto y para pagar su adicción tiene que asaltar. Y quienes saben que un conocido suyo las vende, y por eso tiene dinero.

Si somos más los buenos que los malos, ¿por qué el país se viene abajo cada día más? Si somos más los mexicanos buenos que los malos, ¿por qué no hemos hecho absolutamente nada para solucionar nuestra miserable situación? ¿Y por qué, cuando alguien, como Javier Sicilia, da la cara y se compromete a querer cambiar las cosas, se le ataca, se le critica, se le insulta, se le señala… y no se hace otra cosa más que hablar, hablar y hablar? Somos dañinos, somos corrosivos, no soportamos que los demás tengan razón o sobresalgan. Estamos resentidos. Nos atacamos sin sentido. Si atacamos a los otros incluso con insultos y con estupideces, no podemos esperar amabilidad mutua cuando alguien nos pone un arma en las manos: somos violentos por naturaleza, imbéciles sin buena voluntad, nos odiamos porque nos odiamos a nosotros mismos.

Yo no culpo a Calderón. Calderón no es diferente a López Obrador, a Peña Nieto, a Marcelo Ebrard. Creer que alguien llegará para llevarnos de la mano al país de las maravillas es ciego y falso. Es creer discursos maniqueos de presidentes legítimos y espurios. Este país no será diferente mientras no dejemos de ser como hemos sido durante al menos los últimos 200 años.


Our cup is full, and spilling, our patience, our Mexican Union State. At this point of the game, it is notonly clumsy, but also idle and stupid to name gulty entities. I mean, we Mexicans have made a sport of point fingers and lay blame and washing hands, I mean it, it's bigger than soccer. "Calderón is corrupt", "Useless, coward and repressing goverment", "We have a drunkard in Los Pinos", "The president should fix our situation now".

All of these and other lines, empty by nature, do posses certain logic if you see it from a social resentment point of view; they show the fear, impotence, ignorance and our congenit need of assume ourselves as innocents and lay blame of the evils in our country in whatever or whoever. As if decapitating the president our country will suddenly explode in colours and good vibes; as if he were the big bad wizard who has the entire nation under a spell; as if he were the one pulling the trigger, kidnapping, raping, decapitating, burning and poisoning the country.

I do not blame president Calderón; As a president he has had and always will have the responsability of steading the nation's course; but just take a look at what he has to wotk with. I mean, he might very well be a big prt of the problem, but I sincerely don't blame him. He has been president for almost six years, but us Mexicans have over 200 years of being who and what we are; we've had tons of practice on how to turn on each other and destroy ourselves.

Our war of independence was a fight amongst equals: spaniard blood born either here or in Spain: They were all the same, it was not a fight amongs native american Aztecs and Spaniard colonists, no, it was a fight for power between spaniard brothers. Only some of them were already born here.
Our mexican revolution was also a fight amongst brothers, amongst ourselves: mexican vs. mexican, puppets for the few of the high class in power: the spaniard descendant landlords that shot each other for power and the right to keep us enslaved.
Same thing for the "Reforma" war, with the "Cristero" movement, the dirty war, the 2nd of October, and other sad and shameful passages of our history... even until today, when again we are killing each other in the most sensless and terrible forms for no other reason than our own genetic supidity to be manipulated. Drugs, money and power? all to satisfy a need instilled in to our people by foreign ideas.

President Calderón does have his share in all these, his war on crime lacks results and strategy; but he could not sit still as these cartels rip the countryside apart and take each his own part of my country. But again, I do not blame Calderón. I blame us mexicans, every civilian who has allowed this, every mexican that through all of our history has made a living out of "cutting corners", and has made it completely "normal" and even "applauded" when you beat the law. I mean, this has become our measurement of success.

What is it we do on a daily basis? Corruption even in the minor scale, when we bribe traffic police to avoid a ticket for something that we DO deserve; Cheat either our employers, our clients friends or relatives or our loved ones, either for money or to get away with something; buying and selling bootlegged alcohol, driving like maniacs, speeding and parking where we should not; celebrate when some one else manages to get away with mocking the law or beating it, or getting away with something; my god! why do we celebrate this!? bribing our teachers, or a store clerk in to selling cigarretes or booze to minors; the graffitti on our streets, stealing whatever is at hand and I mean we even have a saying for this: "The opportunity creates the thief", good grief!, show off that we have "contacts" that we are "important people" that laws do nod apply to us, that we are "untouchables"; littering our streets, close down streets or think we own the street without regard for our neighbor...

Dozens upon dozens of these daily conducts, which at this point we think of as "normal", I mean, after all, I am not commiting murder if I park in a red zone, and it's only "five minutes". Well, these are felonies. Simple and clear. These are crimes and we do not see it like so. We are too accustomed, too numbed, and we sit and watch as beuty gets destroyed and evil deeds of any scale are commited. "Evil prevails when good men fail to act"; instead of acting, we spit on those who show kindness, we insult those who show education, we stomp on those we consider "inferior", we humilliate to avoid being humilliated, we become arrogant fools, hard headed idiots with delusions of grandeour, we get dizzy standing in our little bricks; and if some one politely points it out to us, we smack them for being "uppity"; or we destroy those we consider different and dare to think. We are a nation that celebrates when little children learn to curse and we encourage them to repeat these words for the amusement of others as if a foul mouthed child was anything nearing funny. We prefer to watch a football match than to read a newspaper, let alone a book; we watch soaps instead of looking for news broadcasts outside the establishment media. It is simpler being an imbecil than being righteous. this is why in my country the latter are few and get stomped by the first.

So, I do not blame president Calderón; he has to work with us. And we dug our own grave. It is not about pointing a finger to any one institution or person, but to point it at the mirror, and doing something about it; it is about realizing how low we have come, how poor in spirit and ideas we have become and DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Realization is not enough.

Yes, the drug dealers and cartels are responsible; but so are those who consume drugs and idolize violent life styles and outlaws, so are the families of those who consume drugs and stand idle; so are the people that know that a friend or relative has a lot of money from being a drug dealer, and not only stand idle, but actually take things and money from these persons.

If there are more good men than bad, why this has not stopped? Why is my country falling lower and lower? If there are more good men than bad, why haven't we, the people, done something to find our own way out of this miserable situation? And why when a peaceful civil movement like Javier Sicilia's movement arises we scorn it, we critizice it, we insult it and we do nothing but talk and talk and talk? We are a nation of harmful people, we are corrosive, we are not wanted in most parts of the world because of this. Cities in other countries fight mexican gangs and crime and hate us or scorn us, avoid us or mock us. We cannot stand when other people are right or when other people stand out from the crowd. We are historically resented and hurt and natural born violent; imbeciles without good will, we hate each other because we hate ourselves; a whole country with low self esteem and teenage issues. Pathetic.

I do not blame Calderón. He is no different than López Obrador, Cordero, Peña Nieto, Ebrard. To believe that someone will come to usher in a golden age and take us to wonderland is to be blind and naive, at best; It is to continue to fall for false and marketed speeches. This country will not be different unless we stop a 200 year way of living, of being, of thinking.

It can be done. It can be done. No need for heroics or taking a rifle and starting a revolution. Just, start small, start very small and work your way up. Do not throw that cigarrette butt on the street for starters. Do not drive at high speeds and if you do, accept the ticket you deserve. Do not cheer your son in to cursing. Don't buy that pirate movie. Do one thing, one small thing a day to help some one else. What ever. Just stop. Sto, think and do something small.

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