Thursday 16 June 2011

Custom Artifacts for D&D Adventure Boardgames

Artifacts are more powerful than magic items, and i thought to include an artifacts deck besides the magic item deck for some harder scenarios, or a long campaign.

Set up as per normal adventrure rules.
Separate the artifacts deck and place it next to the magic items deck
If this is the second adventure in a row, Each hero may randomly choose 1 artifact card. At the end of the adventure, or if the hero is defeated and spends a healing surge, return the artifact card to the bottom of the artifacts deck.

When you defeat a villain, you may draw 1 artifact card from the top of the artifact deck.

The artifact deck has a special back, and the cards so far are:

i finally got the cnahce to play these for a bit, i printed them in kind of very thick sheets of paper, and its a little shiny so it was cool, once i pasted the back to the fronts it felt very card like.
I dont know how to do the artscow thing, so i did it like that and it is cool looking. The size is the same as the original cards.

Some of these are waaay too powerful, so i dont use them with custom heroes, or against the demon monsters or other hard monsters ive used from the custom ones here.

Others are very fun to play, and what I like is that these are artifacts, not meant to be a gift to the hero, but kind of a loan. lol.

they are a bit powerful, lol, iive used them when using the stack of monsters i made also specifically on a campaign im working on, with some special rules in which the heroes will get 1 of these as a loan from the townsfolk, because the enemies are very powerful, and yes, as solo adventures.
The intention with the abilities is that the effects provide a help in a different way that the normal use of the item does, though a bit underpowered, thus making you choose if you want to stop the use of the item just to get that one abilite through,

Work in progress though, and i really appreciate the feedback.

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