Friday 17 June 2011

Star Wars: A Jedi's Tale::: Chapter I:::: Returning home.

He stepped in to his apartment. Door closed behind him in the dark. Silence inside. He sighed. The lights were programmed to his genetic trace. They turned a second later.
With the lights on, this dump only feels even more empty, he thought as he left his blaster pistol holstered over the small metal table next to the door. He surveyed the apartment with a quick but insigtful glance. all lookd in order; there was no reason to believe they had followed him here, or knew where he had been living for the past weeks, after he got this assignement.
 Lights dimmed a bit to adjust to his preferences. The pink - orange glow of the setting bright jewel sun bathed the small apartment in stripped shadows made by the window shutters. He took the first steps in to his place in to his living room consisting on two couches and a small table. He removed his cloacked brown robe and walked over to the kitchen,  he opened his ice box and took out a bottle filled with a crystal transparent liquor. His mind was racing, needed to calm down, breathe. Drink. The tall Nautolan poured the liquor in to a small glass and after finishing it up in one long gulp, he poured again and took the glass with him to a big old looking chair next to his window.
He still could not figure out what went wrong. He sipped from his drink and concentrated on his inner mind's eye in to recreating the events of the day.

He is standing on the platform indicated by the council. Ord Mantell; just another dusty landing platform in the midst of a spacer's city. He feels the Bright Jewel bathing his greenish skin. He misses the depths of the oceans of Glee Anselm, and the way his thick head tresses float about when swimming home. He is sensing some emotional disturbance from the woman standing beside him. He turns around and sees her there, with her long jet black flowing hair dancing in the first rays of the coming morning. A beautiful woman, though he can't name her race. He has always thought humans to be fascinating, weak, unimportant and yet vast and dominant as is their prescence in the Galaxy. But no, she is not human, her pale blue skin and violet-purple eyes mark her as near-human. He wonders what childhood must this woman have had to become so rugged and scarred at so young an age. She is not sensitive. If she were sensitive, the order might have spotted her early on her life to bring her in to training. Being non sensitive, she must be one hell of a fighter.

Now she is speaking. "Here they come" she says and points a slender finger upwards. He lifts his gaze to the clear blue sky following her hand. The landing platform is on the center of the city, air lanes are packed with speeders going back and forth on their own business. The dusty atmosphere creates strange and beautiful light effects with the coming rays of the Bright Jewel sun rising. The galaxy is an unfathomable large place, and putting one self in perspective might induce a certain amount of depression, for one can one being do in such a huge place?  Even being a jedi does not help to minimize the... smallness of it all, and that's just the galaxy. He had talked with his master about this sense of perspective. And after long hours of reflecting and meditating, even being part of the Will of the Force feels somewhat, useless... helpless.

The ship lands a few meters from them, the sound of the ship`s landing cycle yanks him out of his reflections. Their clothes flap with the repulsorlift backwash. He raises his arm to cover some of it off his face. "I hope your efforts lead us in to a good outcome, master jedi, I did not requested your help, but I appreciate it", the girl says turining towards him. Her violet eyes on her blue skin are... pools to drown in, like a breath of too much surface air when sudenly being out of the water after days of being in the dark depths. He has been in the dark depths, and surface now seems farther than ever, looking at those eyes.
"Well, yes", he manages to answer, "I am not a jedi... yet, lady, the council assigned me as one of my trials and certainly to put a dent on a rising threat from the Black Sun with this endeavor, that is why we must succeed. The Black Sun are creating events that sends waves of dread and disturbance in the force to my masters. Ans I suspect they did not tell me everything." He shifts uncomfortably, he knows there is something more behind the order's assignement, he can feel something lurking in the shadows, small ripples of disturbance sent through the clear crisp water that is the Force. He can not help himself but to feel as a sacrificial lamb, on the altar of The Will of the Force. He gathers his thoughts and repeats, "We will succeed, I assure you". He feels inadequate, awkward, looking at her makes him so. As he was about to add another word, his words were drowned by the sound of the ship repulsorlifts finishing their cycles. The metal structure of the ship groans for a second or two before going silent. Hisses of white steam come out of the exhaust ports. The freighter, a YT-1150, finally settles down. A small platform descends from the bottom of the freighter; two of its occupants descend. They meet a few feet from the ship. His inner eye forces him to see more of that meeting, enhancing his field of vision. He is not aware at the moment, but through his recollection he realizes thet are being watched. Black, flowing robes disappear behind a window in a nearby tall building.

A black figure, disturbance in the force. His feelings of being sacrificed on the altar of The will of The Force. How could he not see? and yet, he still does not know what event might have happened differently to avoid ther pending doom, awaiting them that very same day.

Sitting by his window, he raised his glass to his lips; his mind's eye became overwhelmed with emotion. Darkness crept in through the shutters, the neons outside could not held the coming night at bay. He glanced at his hands while sipping the liquor. A dark stain covered part of his right hand. Panic strucked him. He stood up almost immediately. He rushed to the cleaning facility and started obsessively to wash his hands over and over again, to completely wash her blood off.

Her blood.

Looking in to the mirror, he remembered her broken body.
Her still face.
In the mirror, his large unblinking brown eyes teared up.
He had never cried before. Today, he had reason; he had been expelled from the jedi order.
He had run, and did not wait to be taken in to the prescence of the council's representative.
He had not given up his lightsaber, he would not. He needed it.

Now, looking in that mirror, he knew; There was no peace, there was only emotion. There was no knowledge, there was only vengeance...

But there is always, The Force.

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